Published July 28, 2016

Trendinista: Delivery is overtaking drive-through business

In Restaurant Hospitality’s article regarding the restaurant industry, they address an upcoming trend among many restaurants that has been succeeding very well. In the article the speak of the success of the delivery industry and how there has been a movement for its innovation as people desire it to become faster and more efficient and with this longing for improvements many companies have begun to develop robots to deliver the food.

Key Takeaways:

  • One notable trend is giving full-service restaurants an edge over their quick-service rivals: Delivery orders are up, while drive-through traffic is declining, according to research firm The NPD Group.
  • The growth in foodservice delivery is even greater when you remove pizza delivery from the equation. Pizza orders still comprise over 60 percent of foodservice delivery visits, but traffic has declined by double digits over the last four years.
  • What’s behind the switch? Delivery options are especially important to Gen Z and millennials. Together, these two groups represent half of the U.S. population, a large target group who will drive the growth in delivery far into the future.

““If delivery fits a restaurant operator’s business model and is operationally feasible, now is the time to consider adding it as an option for customers””

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