There are many ways that you can transition your restaurant and service to welcome in the warmer weather ahead. One way that you can celebrate the onslaught of people milling around in the sunshine of the streets is by serving more portable street foods! If you are looking for a great way to alter your menu for more portable foods, read this article to learn about Piada Italian Street Food is expanding!


Read the full article here: Piada Italian Street Food Opening Second North Texas Unit



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It is obvious that certain times in the calendar lead to a sharp increase in sales of certain foods. Maybe you noticed an increase in pizza orders around Pi Day, or higher sales in beer around St. Patrick’s Day. March Madness and Superbowl Season sees a sharp increase in chicken wing sales and some restaurants are finding out ways to turn this fortune into a great charity opportunity! If you own a restaurant and are interested in doing the same, read this article today!


Read the full article here: Hickory Tavern to Donate $.50 from Every Full Order of Wings Sold During First Two Weekends of March Insanity to Purple Heart Homes



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On any given day, even the most narrowed and niche restaurant has to cater to a wide variety of people. Whether you have people from opposing ends of the dining spectrum sharing a table, or a client that has many dietary restrictions, it is best for restaurants to learn how to surf on the waves that come. The ones that are able to take care of more clients are often the ones that last and are sustained by excellent word of mouth reviews. However, one way that restaurants can improve their service is by finding ways to be more considerate for people dining with young family members. Besides offering more options than chicken fingers and macaroni and cheese, restaurants can help children by making small steps, such as serving their food first or offering them smaller cutlery. If you are a restaurant owner and would like to know how you could improve your service to children, read this article today!


Read the full article here: Little Things for Little Ones: How Restaurants Can Better Cater for the Family



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Running a restaurant or even a casual eatery means that you have to not only serve great food, but to also provide an incredible experience for your customers. This means that you have a friendly staff, a realistic menu with reasonable options, and efficient banking system. If you are looking for ways in which you can streamline your orders and cash transactions, read this article to learn about the new features available for the NorthStar POS system!


Read the full article here: NorthStar Order Entry POS System Has New Features



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One of the beauties of the restaurant world is that it is constantly in flux. Many new chains and restaurants open and morph in order to continue to push the industry further and explore more of what we can do with foods. A new and highly anticipated restaurant is opening in the summer of 2016 and it is already in the mouths and minds of many people in the food industry. If you are in the food industry and want to get in on the buzz, read this article today!


Read the full article here: Paulo de Tarso and Nicolas Jaouën to open Margot restaurant summer 2016



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For many restaurant owners, it is common knowledge that there are countless decisions you have to make on a daily basis. Firstly, you had to decide on a great location for your space until you found the perfect place within your price range. You had to make countless decisions on the décor and utensils, all the way down to choosing the type of silverware your patrons would use to eat. Then you decided on the perfect staff of chefs, sous-chefs, and cooks to work together to create a unique palette of food that aligns with your vision for your place. Then you had to hire a competent and energetic wait staff that is as friendly as they are efficient. But one area that most restaurant owners find difficult to make sound decisions in is with the wide variety of cookware, equipment, and appliances that go into your kitchen. You may know the basics of what you need, but being able to specifically understand everything from functionality to equipment certification is a daunting task. If you are a restauranteur and would like to be more familiar with how to read equipment certification, read this article today!


Read the full article here: Restaurant Equipment Certification Marks Explained



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In this season of heightened political awareness, we are naturally drawn to ways in which we can help to improve our country and the lives of our fellow citizens. One major concern is with providing Americans more jobs to help internally stimulate the economy and lower the unemployment rate. A large hospitality chain, The Marriott, is doing their part in helping by agreeing to use towels only made in the US. If you are a restaurant or hotel owner, read this article to be inspired to use your establishment to take positive steps!


Read the full article here: Marriott to Provide ‘Made in USA’ Towels and Bath Mats in its US Hotel, Stimulating US Job Growth



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Everybody has their favorite place to get a great sandwich, and for many customer’s Jersey Mike’s is the apple of their eye. Jersey Mike’s is responding to their growing popularity and number of patrons by opening a new location. The difference, however, is they are purposely opening a location in an airport to ensure that their patrons can have their familiar sandwiches prior to travel. If you are looking to expand and want to see how this move has impacted Jersey Mike’s, read this article today!


Read the full article here: Jersey Mike’s Growing Non-Traditional Footprint



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If you own a restaurant, you already know that there is no space that compares to the daily, organized chaos of a kitchen and eatery. In the front, you have many patrons milling around, candles on tables, and paper menus everywhere. In between, there are many servers whisking around hot plates to their area as a host expertly orchestrates their movement with the onslaught of new patrons for the evening. In the back of house you have a loyal, astute, and efficient kitchen staff who consistently creates art with food in an environment filled with open flames, grills, smoke, and ovens. Even the busboy skillfully darts around the room to prepare tables and haul away dishes, sharp knives, and fragile glass. With all this commotion, it is a wonder that we don’t see more disasters in restaurants on a daily basis. Even though your staff may be well-trained and your equipment reliable, with all of these factors, it is still possible for a kitchen fire to break out and damage your business and location. If you are looking for a way to reduce the risk of fire in your restaurant, read this article today!


Read the full article here: 4 Steps to Reduce the Risk of Fire or Smoke Damage



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Adding more options to your restaurant menu doesn’t have to mean that you are fighting to reinvent the food wheel. One way that you can expand your menu is by adding different twists to already-established foods that your patrons love. If you are looking for a vegetarian spin on a spicy and delicious southwest-style burger, read this article today for an easy recipe! You will be inspired to see what else you can add a twist of vegetables to!


Read the full article here: Southwest Energy Burger



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