Published March 22, 2016

How to Feed the Whole Family

On any given day, even the most narrowed and niche restaurant has to cater to a wide variety of people. Whether you have people from opposing ends of the dining spectrum sharing a table, or a client that has many dietary restrictions, it is best for restaurants to learn how to surf on the waves that come. The ones that are able to take care of more clients are often the ones that last and are sustained by excellent word of mouth reviews. However, one way that restaurants can improve their service is by finding ways to be more considerate for people dining with young family members. Besides offering more options than chicken fingers and macaroni and cheese, restaurants can help children by making small steps, such as serving their food first or offering them smaller cutlery. If you are a restaurant owner and would like to know how you could improve your service to children, read this article today!


Read the full article here: Little Things for Little Ones: How Restaurants Can Better Cater for the Family


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