Getting quality job-seekers through your doors is becoming increasingly difficult, especially in environments such as the restaurant business. It’s not good enough to know your brand is the best, you will need to prove it so others will come and apply. In this article, you will learn how to bring talented job-seekers through your doors and make onlookers want to be part of your brand!

Key Takeaways:

  • If what makes your restaurant unique doesn’t immediately jump out at them or if they don’t see how they can be a valuable part of your team, they are certain to move onto the next company.
  • Candidates will use all of the information available to them before they decide whether to apply. You must convey in a job posting what your company does and how it relates to their personal values.
  • The top two things employees of all age groups want from work is the opportunity to “make a positive impact on my organization” and to “help solve social and/or environmental challenges.”

“On average, job seekers use 18 different sources when searching for a job.”


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During mosquito season, restaurants should be careful to guard against mosquito breeding, especially in outdoor areas. They can protect customers by providing moving air and eliminating any standing water. Mosquitos don’t live long, but they can lay hundreds of eggs, and will do so in any small amount of water that is not moving in areas that the air tends to be still. There are many areas of a restaurant environment that can attract egg-laying females.

Why Restaurants Should Care About Zika


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