If you own your own business this this will help you see how well your business is doing on food costs.Do you ever wonder how well you are doing when it comes to buying food for your business?Knowing this is key to seeing if you may have unrealized cost savings that can save you some money.The first step is to go take the survey that the NRA conducts monthly to see where you are in food cost.If you own a business don’t wait go take their survey now.

How is Your Business Doing on Food Costs?


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Day after day, you strive to satisfy customers at your restaurant by delivering quality service and delicious food but how do you achieve that? Whether you implement a no cell phone policy to eliminate distractions, set stricter attendance guidelines for the undependable or enforce a behavioral plan for employee disagreements, making sure your staff stays on track will allow you to focus on other areas of your business. Touch base with each employee for a one-minute-meeting. Giving staff the opportunity to find out the expectations for the day, and give you the chance to set goals for them. Set up a weekly or monthly challenge for hostesses, cooks and wait, staff. This will also allow you to share your expectations for your employees, whether discussing prep for the upcoming holiday season or how to manage time more efficiently.

Key Takeaways:

  • making sure your staff stays on track will allow you to focus on other areas of your business.
  • Always document any disciplinary measures and keep in a confidential employee file.
  • Your team will follow your example — make sure you make the most of it.

“”Your staff is the backbone of your business. Their behavior impacts how your business runs. But, as the boss, you’re responsible for making sure their behavior doesn’t negatively affect your business””



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Very informative Blog giving the reader many great and wonderful ideas for The restaurant or bar owner that is trying to expand their business. It is a very good read for the up and comer in the business. Especially if they are new to the social media aspect that many customers seem to enjoy this day and age in restaurants.

Key Takeaways:

  • 15 tips to help you increase business at your bar or restaurant
  • Social media is a key player in increasing business
  • Other tips include creating a more competitive atmosphere, have contests, and use google alerts

“Take a few minutes to recognize your employee of the month or to share a quick anecdote about an employee who has recently gone above and beyond the call of duty. Sharing positive news about your staff not only boosts morale but reflects well on your bar or restaurant.”



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Market research firm Euromonitor finds Americans consuming more cider over a five-year period.
While still accounting for 1 percent of sales, consumers are buying apple-based drinks making it one of the fastest growing categories. This research was based on sales from restaurants and bars from 2010 to 2015. It included comparisons to beer, wine and other beverages sold.

Consumer spending on cider soars 320%


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The author describes the many reasons why fried chicken is among the favorites for restaurant goers. From reasons being that fried chicken “transcends different cultures,” to it just being a traditional meal. The author then goes on to describe some of the many different ways that fried chicken can be incorporated into a meal.

Key Takeaways:

  • From traditional Southern fried favorites to hot new interpretations, restaurant operators are menuing a variety of fried chicken selections.
  • Fried chicken has become more popular than ever as chefs devise creative iterations.
  • Operators say the key is to add new, adventurous levels of flavor that elevate the time-tested fried chicken.

“Operators say the key is to add new, adventurous levels of flavor that elevate the time-tested fried chicken to innovative new menu heights.”



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Did you know that most people get their first job in the restaurant industry,Some believe that the restaurant industry is where most people learn the crucial skills that they need in their working careers.The restaurant industry is the 2nd private industry that offers the most jobs,and just this year has employed 14.4 million.So if you are looking for your first job,and want to gain useful skills that will help you later then the restaurant industry has something to offer.

Food for Thought… and Career Success


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When it comes to pumpkin flavored desserts, everyone has their favorite particular dessert that they love and enjoy. When it comes to the fall season pumpkin is the go to dessert when it comes to most. this particular article gives us the insight and a more in depth look into chefs that have created a new spin on the fall pumpkin desserts.

Key Takeaways:

  • To many diners’ delight, the pumpkin spice trend will continue to dominate dessert menus this fall.
  • Classic desserts like pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin spice cake and pumpkin pie remain menu constants.
  • Some chefs are putting a different twist on the trend by exploring new textures and techniques to prove that there’s more than a few ways to do pumpkin.

“While classic desserts like pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin spice cake and pumpkin pie remain menu constants, some chefs are using different textures and techniques to prove that there’s more than a few ways to do pumpkin.”



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Companies are pushing their products everyday everywhere you go. So how do you stay ahead? You do you successfully promote a price? Here are a few tips. Always have a plan and be sure that plan includes a product that is meaningful to your customers. They wont buy what doesn’t pertain to them. Customize your products to meet the needs of your customers. Be sure to offer them a variety of products and services. Set a clear goal and analyze what works and doesn’t work for your company and customers.

Key Takeaways:

  • head (and know how to get out before you get in). A price promotion, like a special discount, is an effective way to attract new customers, but it can also attract price-sensitive customers.
  • When you build an offer, choose items that your customers love and value. People are more likely to change their habits if you offer them something they love at a special price.
  • 4. Customize promotions to individual locations. Analyze the impact that price promotions have on your restaurants. In a chain, you might find that certain locations respond more strongly to price promotions than other locations.

“A price promotion, like a special discount, is an effective way to attract new customers, but it can also attract price-sensitive customers.”



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When it comes to owning and having a restaurant, one of the most important aspects that can be associated with your restaurant itself is the menu. However sometimes remaining within compliance can be difficult. This article gives you the insight into six steps you can take for your menu labeling to make sure you remain in compliance.

6 steps to menu labeling compliance


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Getting quality job-seekers through your doors is becoming increasingly difficult, especially in environments such as the restaurant business. It’s not good enough to know your brand is the best, you will need to prove it so others will come and apply. In this article, you will learn how to bring talented job-seekers through your doors and make onlookers want to be part of your brand!

Key Takeaways:

  • If what makes your restaurant unique doesn’t immediately jump out at them or if they don’t see how they can be a valuable part of your team, they are certain to move onto the next company.
  • Candidates will use all of the information available to them before they decide whether to apply. You must convey in a job posting what your company does and how it relates to their personal values.
  • The top two things employees of all age groups want from work is the opportunity to “make a positive impact on my organization” and to “help solve social and/or environmental challenges.”

“On average, job seekers use 18 different sources when searching for a job.”



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