It’s easy to come up with an idea for a great new menu item. It’s much harder to figure out how you’re going to serve that menu item at scale. How will you handle rushes and lulls? How will you make sure to be supplied with key ingredients? It’s important to keep in mind the […]
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Open kitchens might seem like a transparent move by restaurants and they certainly look beautiful to diners. Beware though. When the kitchen is open, you sometimes hear more than the average customer wants to hear, including scuffles between employees. Here are a few more reasons to be wary of the open kitchen environment. Beware of […]
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The internet based company Nowait that gives estimated seating times at various restaurants has partnered with Yelp. Primarily Yelp had previously simply provided reviews for local restaurants so people could make informed decisions about the restaurant they were going to. Now both are going to be in the same place. Customers will be able to […]
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It is no secret that customer feedback can make or break you in the restaurant industry, and though the nature of the beast is even the best places will get complaints. How management decides to handle the customer complaints and critiques is one of the single most important things anyone in management can learn. One […]
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Most restaurant proprietors will tell you, success in the food industry, is truly focusing in on a highly complex sum of strategies, that either lead to prosperous achievement, or a bankrupt acquisition, that turns out to be a labor in vain. Discover some intriguing misconceptions that Restauranteurs often overlook, fine tune your business brainchild, and […]
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When a business gets customer it is important that the customer is comfortable in every part of the business and the bathroom is not different. One of the first and last things that a customer most likley sees is the bathroom and if it is in disrepair, dirty, or outdated customers may get the wrong […]
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A dream come true for chef Henry Scott he will be opening his own restaurant, this article describes the years of work that he has put into creating his own restaurant and the financing for it, it also give a brief description of the menu and a glance at the decor. It is a lovely […]
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