Published January 13, 2017

Meat’s Comeback Won’t Slow Down in 2017

Perhaps the best news for restaurant owners and operators going into 2017 is this simple fact: protein prices will likely remain low for some time. “If you enjoyed this year, the foundation is in place for very favorable purchase prices for the next several years,” says Don Close, vice president of food and agribusiness research for animal protein at Rabobank, the agricultural-focused banking giant.

Key Takeaways:

  • Wholesale beef prices are down 30 percent since May 2015, reports the USDA.
  • November was the largest beef production month this decade, which also will result in lower prices in 2017.
  • Beef production is projected to rise 5 percent in 2017, according to CattleFax, a source for the beef and agricultural Industries.

“Wholesale beef prices are down 30 percent since May 2015, reports the USDA.”

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