Published October 6, 2017

Just How Dominant is Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte?

Every year when the fall season rolls around, coffee drinkers and Starbucks lovers alike rejoice at the time of year. The reason for doing so is due to the return of the favorite pumpkin spice latte, which thus far, has seemingly grown a cult following among coffee drinkers. The seasonal drink is a dominant one that tends to overtake orders at various locations, as consumers crave the return of their favorite Starbucks beverage in a cold season of the year.

Key Takeaways:

  • Starbucks sales goes up dramatically during the season that pumpkin spice latte is available
  • While Dunkin Donuts market is higher than Starbucks, the market decreases while Starbucks increases during pumpkin spice latte season
  • There are most customers visiting Starbucks when pumpkin spice latte is available than when it isn’t

“Starbucks has ushered in an impressive wave of foot traffic for their locations across the nation with the PSL.”

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