Published March 14, 2016

Why We Need to Foster Apprenticeship

The food industry is strong as a whole and seems to be growing as there are constantly restaurants popping up on each corner. While the restaurant business may be booming, one of the crucial ways to guarantee the success of any business is to make sure to train up protégés to ensure that the torch will be carried by an enthusiastic group of young and innovative minds. So what is the best way to do this? Some businesses are doing it on a grand scale and hiring dozens of apprentices to train and learn from real chefs and gain real-world experience in restaurants. If you own a restaurant or bakery, you can mirror this model on a smaller scale by opening your doors to young cooks and allowing them to spend time in your establishment. If you are looking for a model on how to best train up young cooks, read this article today!


Read the full article here: Mitchells & Butlers to Offer the ‘Best Apprenticeship Scheme in Hospitality”


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