Published July 24, 2016

Predicting the future of food trucks

Food trucks are not just for downtown street corners. The future of the noncommercial dining experience is not limited to greasy burgers and fries at a carnival midway. With the flexibility to be anywhere it is needed at any time and to change menu with its venue the mobile food truck is quickly becoming a valid option to fill the gaps in meals offered to our students as well as a way to supplement a schools income.

Key Takeaways:

  • Food trucks are increasing in popularity at high schools.
  • Administrators cite their flexibility and mobility as reasons they are so beneficial.
  • Food trucks can also rotate quickly and keep up with trends, making them a good option for students.

“Nationwide, food trucks saw $1.2 billion in revenue in 2015—a 12.4% growth in the past 5 years, reports.”

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