Published March 16, 2016

How to Nail Your Restaurant Interview

The food industry is just that: a mixture of food and business. If you are new to the game, you may have been drawn in by the artistry but have little idea with what to do with the business aspect of the food industry. Maybe you went to culinary school because you have a chef in the family, or because you always knew that you liked to cook and explore different flavors. But now that you are out of culinary school, you may be a little intimidated with the idea of applying for cooking jobs. Are you going to come dressed like a chef or in a suit? Do you bring photos of some of your creations or bring in a traditional resume and cover letter? How do you discuss your past experiences in restaurants if you have very little? If you are new to the food industry and are hoping to break into the business with a new job, read this article today to learn the best interview tips that will give you an edge over your competition!


Read the full article here: Four Interview Basics That Give You an Edge


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