Published June 7, 2017

Sustainability When You’re On a Budget

Sustainability in the small restaurant is a byproduct of creativity, education and training.

The first and most obvious step toward sustainability for the small, or new restaurant operation is to cut waste as a standard method of operation. One easy way to do this is to buy normal, table-service items in bulk. Gone would be those annoying paper packets of sugar, salt or pepper, replaced by relatively inexpensive sugar, salt and pepper shakers. Additionally, condiments can be individually served in ramekins from bulk containers cutting the cost of such items, while adding an element of customization to the service. Even water can be individually served on request of the patron thus reducing the amount of water that may have merely been served before, then discarded when the patron has left the restaurant.

Sustainability is a process of education, training and creative thought. It is not a magic goal, but a a goal attainable for the large and small restaurant by taking those first small steps toward efficiency.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sustainability is often associated with high ticket items, like LED lights and high efficiency faucets.
  • There are budget-friendly ways to be sustainable, however, like buying items, like sugar and other condiments, in bulk.
  • Buying whole meats that you break down and use completely, as in putting bones into soup, is another way to be sustainable.

“Instead of recycling (or throwing away) those old paper menus, give them a second life as doilies!”

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