Published March 2, 2016
Why Feedback Matters!
When you think of food service or the food service industry, what do you picture? Most of our minds will immediately leap to an image of a high-powered restaurant with expensive art on the walls and a long-list of celebrity clientele. Or you may picture the buzzing back of house with chefs clad in white whizzing past one another with stews, pans, and fried foods. Or maybe your mind goes much smaller and local and you think of a mom and pop restaurant that is known for its signature palette, local clientele, and ability to get farm-fresh and local produce to support its meals. Regardless of your vision of food service, you likely have forgotten the first place where we all learn how to publically eat with our peers, the school cafeteria. When it comes to making sure our children eat enough and are profiting from the programs, this school found a way to guarantee that children are satisfied. If you are looking for a way to improve customer satisfaction, read this article today!
Read the full article here: How One Cafeteria Got Creative to Get Out of the Red
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Published March 2, 2016
Why Feedback Matters!
When you think of food service or the food service industry, what do you picture? Most of our minds will immediately leap to an image of a high-powered restaurant with expensive art on the walls and a long-list of celebrity clientele. Or you may picture the buzzing back of house with chefs clad in white whizzing past one another with stews, pans, and fried foods. Or maybe your mind goes much smaller and local and you think of a mom and pop restaurant that is known for its signature palette, local clientele, and ability to get farm-fresh and local produce to support its meals. Regardless of your vision of food service, you likely have forgotten the first place where we all learn how to publically eat with our peers, the school cafeteria. When it comes to making sure our children eat enough and are profiting from the programs, this school found a way to guarantee that children are satisfied. If you are looking for a way to improve customer satisfaction, read this article today!
Read the full article here: How One Cafeteria Got Creative to Get Out of the Red
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