Published April 14, 2017

Grow sales by adding a retail store to your website

For restauranteurs having an online retail portal offers a unique and new way of reaching customers who may never set foot inside their store. Having an online venue to sell goods allows for unique offerings beyond just restaurant themed merchandise like t-shirts and hats. Items that are easily shippable like spaces, and packaged coffee can be a great way to reach other customers. The best part about the online store is that it has no geographic restriction and it is open 24/7.

Key Takeaways:

  • A restaurant that is not utilizing the internet as a marketplace is missing out on potential sales.
  • Visitors should not be limited to the geographic location or time given my a restaurants schedule. Online retail offers a solution to restauranteurs who want to increase their sales.
  • It is important for restaurants to be creative with their merchandise, and also consider items that package and ship well, like sauces or coffee.

“Easy to ship items such as bottled sauces, packaged coffee, shelf-stable dried, candied or preserved items are all great ways to share a taste of your brand with customers.”

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