Published April 18, 2016

The Dice with Ice

With all that it takes to get your restaurant up and running, you have probably realized that it takes an equal amount to do maintenance. Your restaurant needs to have a savvy and quick back of house staff that is able to consistently reinvent the menu and quickly make orders. You need to have a healthy supple of food for the demand of your patrons. You also have to ensure that you have a friendly wait staff to keep the whole operation running smoothly. One thing that can make your restaurant halt on its heels is a health scare. Sick customers can take down even the biggest franchise and it can really tarnish a restaurant’s reputation. One place that we often forget to look at when we are searching for possible contamination, is the ice machine! Contaminated water is not something we worry much about in this country, but an unhealthy water or ice supply can quickly affect every single patron in your restaurant! If you are looking for a good way to ensure the safety of your patrons, read this article to learn about ice safety!


Read the full article here:

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