Published November 21, 2016

Why restaurants should be paying greater attention to their menus

On The Menu is the second book from The Art of the Restaurateur author and is set to re-focus restaurants attention on the art of menu writing. As well as 80 examples of impressive menus, On The Menu sees Lander examine the principles of menu design and layout and features interviews with 12 top chefs from around the world, including Heston Blumenthal, Rene Redzepi, and Peter Gilmore. While Lander bemoans a lack of color on current menus, he is a fan of simple, daily menus.

Key Takeaways:

  • On The Menu (3 November) is the second book from The Art of the Restaurateur author and is set to re-focus restaurants’ attention on the art of menu writing.
  • Lander launched a crowdfunding campaign for the book with publisher Unbound, raising the funds he needed to write and publish it in just 90 days.
  • As well as inspiration, Lander offered his top tips to restaurateurs and chefs looking to create a winning menu.

“On The Menu (3 November) is the second book from The Art of the Restaurateur author and is set to re-focus restaurants’ attention on the art of menu writing.”

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