You can never be too careful with what goes on in your business, and if you add a chaotic scene to everything then you’re bound to be in for a bad time. ” 8 Mini Horror Stories That Could Happen in Your Restaurant” goes through 8 common enough scenarios that read like a bad horror story that could easily happen in your restaurant, derailing the entire night (and possibly your entire business).

8 Mini Horror Stories That Could Happen in Your Restaurant


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To help consumers make more informed and healthier dietary choices, the FDA established a mandate for nutrition labeling in chain restaurants and similar retail establishments. Restaurant chains will also be required to post a highly visible statement offering additional nutrition information to consumers. The FDA estimates 1,640 chains and a total of 278,000 restaurant locations throughout the U.S. will be affected by the mandate. Customers appreciate the transparency as well, with the National Restaurant Association, reporting that three out of four Americans are more likely to choose a restaurant that offers healthy menu options.

Key Takeaways:

  • In order to help consumers make more informed and healthier dietary choices, the FDA established a mandate for nutrition labeling in chain restaurants and similar retail establishments.
  • Direct. Accessible. Consistent. Come July 1, 2018, these are the standards to which quick serve restaurant chains—including coffee shops, ice cream parlors, and more—will be held to when it comes to delivering nutritional information to customers without exception.
  • By implementing digital signage, many quick serve restaurants have seen dramatic results, a positive return on investment and long-term sustainability.

“Many of our clients with fully-functional menu boards were able to comfortably manage them right from their mobile device within hours of installation.”


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Allow me to introduce Chris Payne who is running for U.S. Senator in Kentucky. He is running on the Independent ticket and has an official Chris Payne for U.S. Senate Facebook page as well as a personal one, both of which are open to the public. Unless Chris Payne is going to hop, skip and jump into the Senate and create some miracle law where servers are paid $23 an hour, he needs to face the fact that we live in a country where servers depend on tips for their wages.

Key Takeaways:

  • Unless Chris Payne is going to hop, skip and jump into the senate and create some miracle law where servers are paid $23 an hour, he needs to face the fact that we live in a country where servers depend on tips for their wages.
  • None of us have to worry that Chris Payne will ever make it to the senate. He ran in 2014 and got just 1.5% of the vote, which is probably more than he tips.
  • Servers are rightfully going to complain when we don’t get the tip we deserve.

“None of us have to worry that Chris Payne will ever make it to the senate. He ran in 2014 and got just 1.5% of the vote, which is probably more than he tips.”


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Interested in food and in restaurants What about having an interest in formal eatery? If you answered yes to any (or all) of those, then you probably wonder about just what’s trending in those situations. This article gives the week by week information on what’s trending, with ” Trending this week: 5 ways to build a brunch trade, 2016 Best Cocktails, more” — from brunch to alcohol to more.

Trending this week: 5 ways to build a brunch trade, 2016 Best Cocktails, more


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Millennials are just as brand loyal as Baby Boomers but require targeted and individual benefits and marketing finesse to spur interest in a product, service or experience. Younger customers crave that a specific brand dimension have mega appeal. The price or quality needs to be attention grabbing or the vibe or options must be open and inclusive. Most millennials spend almost one hour each day on social media, raising the stakes for social platform advertising to reach the masses. Marketing campaigns that offer a unique or meaningful experience to the millennial customer are more likely than not to gain the trust and loyalty of this particularly savvy customer base.

Brand Loyalty is Far From Dead


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There’s a difference between all levels of dining, whether you’re going on a date or if you’re just eating out with friends and family. Still, as a whole, each level of dining has certain things that it needs to work on — and casual dining is no exception, even though the average person might not think of that industry very often. “What Casual Dining Can Learn from Wineries” gets into what exactly could make casual dining better.

Key Takeaways:

  • The scenery was remarkable, not only for legions of grape vines covering fields and hillsides, but also the pedicured wineries that dotted the way.
  • Each vineyard is characterized by outside forces such as temperature range, humidity, direct sunlight and soil.
  • The enticement of sight, smell and taste dictate both wine and food consumption. And this is the point where some casual dining entities and wineries take a different path.

“Napa and Sonoma wineries excel at utilizing the temperament of their grapes and continuously improving their offerings, and appreciate customer moments when the “senses” come together; it’s an understanding that many casual dining restaurants have and a few should be reminded of.”


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The sky is blue. Water is wet (or at least, the accumulation of it is wet; you might get in an argument just using this simple phrase, funny as that seems). “Cash is King in the Restaurant Industry”, as this article simply states in its short title. While it seems like there’s not enough money to be had in the restaurant industry for its employees, cash is still king in the industry — from big time restaurants to servers alike.

Key Takeaways:

  • In 2016, there seems to be one word on everyone’s mind: revenue. And while revenue is important, a business owner and operator can never forget the number in their bank account.
  • Your business could be the next big thing, but if you do not have the cash to pay your bills and employees, soon it will not matter how much revenue you have.
  • All of this interest will hit your income statement, which means you will have an accurate picture of the cash leaving your bank.

“The statement of cash flows begins with your prior period ending cash balance.”


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The International Franchise Association is in place to advertise exactly what dates there are for a variety of franchising — plus, they have events that people can go to in order to get better at franchising (and marketing themselves, and just about anything they might want – or need to do – while working in that industry). “International Franchise Association Announces Dates” details when those dates are, exactly, and just what people can expect to do at them.

International Franchise Association Announces Dates


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Raising money is sometimes hard, but one burger joint proved that you can bring people together to give a helping hand when there is a good cause at stake. Fighting childhood hunger is something that everyone can help, even in a small way. These six figures are sure to be put to good use. Read more in this article.

The Habit Burger Grill Raises $418,000 To Fight Childhood Hunger


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Making a living is extremely difficult for those who have chosen to go into the food service industry. Whether by choice or no other option, this country cannot deny the diversity issues have arisen and cannot be ignored. This article touches on what the statistics are of people working in the industry and what the next steps should be to remedy this.

Key Takeaways:

  • While restaurants make up the most diverse workforce in the nation, that diversity rarely reaches management and C-suite positions.
  • At the corporate level, minority representation is even sparser: Only 8 percent of corporate executives are minorities.
  • “No industry has more minority employee representation than us, and yet we can’t seem to develop them to the highest level,”

“While restaurants make up the most diverse workforce in the nation, that diversity rarely reaches management and C-suite positions.”


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