Published February 13, 2015

Is robotic technology taking over food service?

With restaurant technology becoming more advanced, some folks have said it’s only a matter of time before cooking and serving food is done by machines, like something out of a futuristic science fiction movie. The reality is this is already happening right now in 2015, with food dished up by robots and delivered by drones!

In this post at the How to Be a Good Server blog, several different articles are highlighted that feature restaurants that involve robotic technology and drones as part of their business. Is this the ultimate future of food service? What about the human component?

Most robot-using restaurants are located in China and Japan, but the idea has made its way to the states with San Francisco-based company Momentum Machines creating master chef robots that can make over 350 hamburgers an hour.

It seems most people enjoy the human interaction that comes from servers and staff at restaurants, at least for now, but it’s likely we’ll see more food service establishments capitalizing on futuristic technology such as delivery drones and chef bots for efficiency and faster service in the years to come.

Read the full article here: Robots in restaurants

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