Published October 7, 2016

How to Calculate Your Food Cost – Backburner Blog by

When it comes to the restaurant industry, food cost is a very important and critical aspect that can either make or break any particular restaurant itself. However sometimes knowing just how to calculate your food cost can be a difficult thing to do. This article offers you the insight and a more in depth look into how to calculate your restaurants food cost.

Key Takeaways:

  • The numbers are extremely important when it comes to owning and operating a restaurant; keeping a close watch on your profit margins.
  • Unfortunately there are also several macroeconomic variables at play which also dictate your price per plate, one of which being what price your market will bear.
  • Sourcing good ingredients while still providing the appropriate “perceived” value will be a consistent balancing act.

“The numbers are extremely important when it comes to owning and operating a restaurant; keeping a close watch on your profit margins, food cost and price per plate is all the difference in having your doors open or closed…for good.”

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