Published September 14, 2017

12 Mobile Food Trends for the Future

The food truck trend, which once enjoyed a boom of popularity, has died down somewhat, but the industry is still growing. As this market matures, we can analyze some industry trends and make predictions for the future. Some of these trends include branching out beyond the truck and into markets and restaurants; capitalizing on branded promotions; specialty beverages and novelty food items; collaboration between multiple food truck owners; and food trucks being a park of larger events within the community.

Key Takeaways:

  • food trucks’ popularity has waned a little, but they are still doing a lot of business.
  • The food truck industry is maturing, creating new avenues for growth and revenue.
  • Newer food truck opportunities, like unique and healthy food items, using trucks for private events, and corporate sponsorship ensure that this industry will thrive.

“Food trucks were uber-popular four or five years ago, but, like most trends, consumer attention toward trucks gradually waned.”

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