Published December 23, 2016
If You Get Bad Service Every Time You Go Out, Maybe YOU Are the Problem
“The customer is always right”? This is a motto that’s drilled into every young retail or hospitality worker, and has somehow made its way into the psyches of established business owners. The problem is, the customer isn’t always right, and always thinking otherwise can result in serious disservice to you, your employees, and your customers. Here’s why.
Key Takeaways:
- Albert Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
- If a customer repeatedly experiences bad service when they go out to eat, could it be that the customer’s behavior is the thing that is creating the bad service? Perhaps it is possible that David, as well as all the other “David’s” who say their service always sucks, is really an insane person who always barrels into the restaurant with a severe attitude and a desire to piss people off.
- Take a fucking a moment to acknowledge the person in front of you rather than immediately asking for a Pabst Blue Ribbon or a sweet iced tea.
“If a customer repeatedly experiences bad service when they go out to eat, could it be that the customer’s behavior is the thing that is creating the bad service?”
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Published December 23, 2016
If You Get Bad Service Every Time You Go Out, Maybe YOU Are the Problem
“The customer is always right”? This is a motto that’s drilled into every young retail or hospitality worker, and has somehow made its way into the psyches of established business owners. The problem is, the customer isn’t always right, and always thinking otherwise can result in serious disservice to you, your employees, and your customers. Here’s why.
Key Takeaways:
“If a customer repeatedly experiences bad service when they go out to eat, could it be that the customer’s behavior is the thing that is creating the bad service?”
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