Published September 25, 2016

Multi-generational workforce can boost happiness, says McDonald’s

Now a days with so much history and culture in our past we tend to forget about that in the present. McDonalds is making moves towards creating a multi-generational work force in hopes that it increases productivity, happiness, and overall gain in the work place. Hoping to make it somewhere people want to eat or […]

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Published September 24, 2016

Understanding data-driven marketing

Being able to correlate data across multiple internal and external sources helps inform marketers how often a customer dines with them, via which channels they would prefer to receive communications and more, says Ramon Chen, c.m.o. By unearthing patterns of behavior through data and analytics, restaurants can promote new menu items, additional dayparts, other locations, […]

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Are wooden boards a good option for table service?

When it comes to the restaurant industry and design, there are many different ways in which restaurant serve you your food. Some of these particular ways can even be unconventional sometimes. This article contains insight about whether or not wooden boards are a good table food service or not for restaurants. Key Takeaways: Many restaurants […]

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5 Reasons U.S. Restaurant Growth Will Continue

Is there really a recession in the restaurant industry? According to the Chief Economist of the National Restaurant Association, Bruce Grindy the answer is no. While there does seem to be some change in customer traffic trends and there are some issues for individual brands or stores the overall industry seems to present a better […]

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Published September 23, 2016

3 Reasons You May Be Using Robots in Your Restaurant

Robots in our restaurants, is this the wave of the future? A mechanical engineer, Deepak Dekar thinks so. Sekar, founder of Casabots in San Francisco thinks so. He has developed a robot that can make salad supposedly faster, safer and more efficiently than humans. Sekar also says robots won’t take human jobs, because there are […]

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National Food Safety Month Spotlights Foodborne Illness Detection and Protection

Norovirus and Hepatitis A are spreading throughout the food industry. I feel that handwashing is the first line of defense. Propers care of your work area and cleaning helps too. Ive noticed that foodworkers dont use protective gloves like they used to in the past. I think every worker should be monitored and given tests […]

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The Best Restaurant Marketing Ideas From 18 Experts | BuildFire

With so many options as far as restaurants these days it can be hard to choose. But, understanding the marketing for it can be even harder. Knowing what outlets and how to utilize them is a big part of the ball game. Talking with some experts we learn that social media and being involved in […]

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How is Your Business Doing on Food Costs?

If you own your own business this this will help you see how well your business is doing on food costs.Do you ever wonder how well you are doing when it comes to buying food for your business?Knowing this is key to seeing if you may have unrealized cost savings that can save you some […]

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From bad to good: Tools to get your staff on track

Day after day, you strive to satisfy customers at your restaurant by delivering quality service and delicious food but how do you achieve that? Whether you implement a no cell phone policy to eliminate distractions, set stricter attendance guidelines for the undependable or enforce a behavioral plan for employee disagreements, making sure your staff stays […]

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Published September 22, 2016

15 Quick Bar & Restaurant Marketing Ideas | Buzztime

Very informative Blog giving the reader many great and wonderful ideas for The restaurant or bar owner that is trying to expand their business. It is a very good read for the up and comer in the business. Especially if they are new to the social media aspect that many customers seem to enjoy this […]

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