Many exciting marketing ideas for restaurants are out there, especially during the month of April. When you utilize the best marketing ideas, you will enhance the number of tables you fill up each night of the week while also enhancing your profits considerably. What are the best marketing tips for this month? Restaurant Marketing Ideas […]
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Fast casual restaurant chains have been experiencing lower sales from previous quarters at the same stores. The reason could be higher prices and more limited choices than quick service fast food chains. Lease costs are also rising while sales are not, causing many to close. It can be noted however, many private fast casual restaurants […]
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A complication of “Hooping Cough” this year is the “Shamrock Flu” which is expected to hit on Friday, the time when people celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. The cure for these maladies is a one-day-only dish and a frosty green concoction that makes everything all better. In anticipation of the college basketball tournament, Charlotte-based Hickory Tavern®, […]
As the farm-to-table movement takes hold globally, a technology-enabled revolution is brewing that could fundamentally change the way restaurants source fresh produce. Indoor farms are popping up in urban areas across the country promising a wealth of short-growing-cycle produce in a way that is truly local. Out of tiny shipping containers, on rooftops or in […]
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We have spent considerable money making cafeterias cool again. New paint jobs, crazy color patterns, custom graphics and changes in lighting schemes have made some of our cafes popular gathering places. We’ve also experimented with videos, cable TV programs and music. We involved a number of student groups and student input in improving the atmosphere, […]
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Over the most recent three months of 2016, their same-store deals, by and large, fell 3.5 percent, in light of the execution of traded on an open market chain. The issues in pub and eatery chains have taken a toll three Presidents their occupations Applebees and parent organization Feast Value Inc., Red Robin Gourmet Burgers […]
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A new California law went into effect on March 1st requiring business owners in the state to change up their bathroom signage. Single-user public restrooms now have to be available for people of all genders, instead of being designated as men’s or women’s restrooms. The Equal Restroom Access Act does not affect multiple occupancy restrooms, […]
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Dividing the day into different parts is called dayparting, a multi-billion dollar practice that has become quite common in the restaurant industry. Taco Bell invented the fourth meal over a decade ago to satiate midnight munchies. Meanwhile, McDonald’s and Jack in the Box now serve breakfast 24/7 at their locations. Millennials are the biggest purveyors […]
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The newest most popular tool used by bars these days is a smoke gun. By blowing smoke into decanters bottles and glasses, a new sensory experience is created. The smoke elevates cocktails by adding taste and texture. The one drawback it drinks made with smoke take longer to make and it can slow down service […]
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During Lent people eat more fast food. This is because many give up red meat. It is a religious time and not everyone does it but enough do to make a difference in the fast food industry. They are getting ready for Lent. They are preparing to sell more seafood. Key Takeaways: For many diners, […]
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